Office Web APP - en

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Office Web Apps extends the Microsoft Office programs you already know (Word, PowerPoint, Excel and OneNote ) by allowing you to access them wherever you are and facilitating the sharing of your data.

When you click on a document stored in a SharePoint library Agency, the document opens directly in your browser, with looks identical to that which it would have in the Office application. Office Web Apps also allows you to edit documents in the browser, with the same familiar interface as in Office. Office Web Apps work in some of the most commonly used browsers and is officially supported in Windows Internet Explorer 7 and later versions, Safari 4 for Mac, and Firefox 3.5 for Windows, Mac and Linux.

To make changes that are not available in the browser, simply open the document in an Office program on your computer, and then save the modified document in the document library.


2. To qualify for Office Web App, select the checkbox. Note that this option will result in billing


More info : Hosted SharePoint

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