Generate the CSR

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en:Generate the CSR he:צור נציג שירות הלקוחות ro:Generarea CSR ru:Создания КСО pl:Generowanie CSR ja:CSR を生成します。 ar:إنشاء CSR zh:生成 CSR de:Generieren der CSR nl:De CSR genereren it:Generare il CSR pt:Gerar o CSR es:Generar el CSR fr:Générer son CSR

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The CSR or Certificate Signing ReQuest is an essential document in an application of SSL certificate. It allows to establish the identity of the applicant for the certificate.
You can find more information on CSR in the [Wikipedia article] Next.

Generation procedure

On an application of SSL certificate at Ikoula, we invite you to generate your CSR in 2048 minimum bits.


Here is an example in order to generate your CSR under a Linux environment.

Run the following command to start the CSR generation
 openssl req -nodes -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout -out 
The system will ask you to enter fields, fill them in accordance with the instructions given
Country Name (2 land ter code ) [] Two-letter code ISO for the country where the organization is located for example FR
State or Province (full name ) [] The name of the Department where is located the body, for example Ile-de-France
Locality Name (eg, city ) [] The name of the city where is located the body, for example Paris
Organization Name (eg, company ) [] The name of the Organization, e.g. mycompany
Organizational Unit Name (eg, section ) [] Section of the organism, for example informatics Department
Common Name (eg Your name ) [] The full name (FQDN ) of secure domain, for example www.mondomaine.tld
Email Address [] An email contact for the Organization, none

When the build is done you now have two files et , you will need to provide the file or its contents When your request of SSL certificate.

Plesk 11

Here is an example in order to generate your CSR on a Server featuring Plesk.

To begin, you will need to connect to the administration of your hosting for your domain. Then click on the button "Secure your site with the SSL certificate" you will find in part "Website & Fields ".


Arriving on the next page, you must click the button "Add a new SSL certificate".


The system will ask you to enter fields, fill them in accordance with the information present in the Whois for your domain.

Attention all information filled by Plesk in the form are not correct.


Once the form click on the button "Query ".

This wizard to generated a "KEY " and a "CSR" for your domain, for it pour le recuperer retrieve click on the name of your SSL in the list at the bottom of the page.


In the page looking for the section named "CSR"

In the case of a SSL certificate at Ikoula, simply transmit the contents of this section to email technical support.


Microsoft IIS 7.x / 8.x

Here is an example in order to generate your CSR on a Server with Microsoft IIS version 7.x. or 8.x

Go into Control Panel, then to administrative tools.
Double-click on "The Internet services manager (IIS)" to launch the new IIS management console 7.0.

This operation requires administrator privileges .

In the left column, with the tree of your Server IIS, place you on the element root, and then double click on "Certificate Server " in the central part of the console.


In the right part of the console in the column "Action ", click on "Create a certificate request ". A Wizard starts and requires you to enter information.


The system will ask you to enter fields, fill them in accordance with the instructions given

Common name  : (the name of the site has secure )
Organization  : (your company name )
OU  : (what you want, put much of the time, the name of the service. Ex : Internet)
City /locality  : (The city where your company )
Department /region  : (The Department in all letters )
Country /region  : FR

You can make following and you have everything completed, no amendment is then and do next yet.


You arrive at a page where you indicate the name of your certificate as well as the location where the file will be created.
We invite you to indicate a name of certificate with the current year and the year's end, it will make easier for you find after several renewal of SSL

Example : C:\Users \Administrator \Desktop \ikoula.com_ 2013_2014

Microsoft IIS 5.x / 6.x

Here is an example in order to generate your CSR on a Server with Microsoft IIS version 5.x or 6.x.

In IIS Manager, right-click the web service and select "Properties ".
In the tab "Directory security ", click on "Certificate of Servers..." . The Certificate Wizard of Server Web opens ; Click on "Following ".
Choose "Create a certificate " and click on "Following ".
Select "Prepare the application,... |" and click on "Following ".
Then unroll the wizard.
Write without use accents or characters ! @ # $ % ^ * ( ) ~ ? > < & / \
Choisir ensuite un emplacement et un nom du fichier de demande de certificat à créer. Cliquez sur "Suivant".
Un récapitulatif s'affiche. Confirmez. Il ne vous reste plus qu'à ouvrir le fichier ainsi généré et copier/coller le CSR nouvellement généré.

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